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Thank you for visiting.
Our store is a hand-weaving class and original yarn shop located in Ginza.

 When you  order our  yarn, you can ship it using the following methods. If you would like to order other products, like a hand weaving tools, please contact us. We accept inquiries through Instagram messages, but please place final orders by email.

An overseas shipping fee of 10% will be added to the total product price.


Shipping cost list

*This data is to date as of june 1,2024.

Notes:Please contact us for more information

・Some countries and regions are not available for shipping.

・If you would like to order products other than yarn, please contact us.

・Payment is by credit card only.

・Once an order is confirmed, cancellations or changes cannot be made due to the customer's convenience, regardless of shop policy.


弊社は、1975年創業の本格的に学べる手織り教室としてスタートいたしました。手織りを素材から学べるように、併設されたオリジナル糸専門店では、 絹・毛・綿・麻という天然繊維から生み出された品質の高い糸を取り扱っております。色彩豊かな糸は、手織り、手編み、その他様々な技法に適し、数多くの評価のお声を頂いております。専門のスタッフが、あなたの「つくりたいもの」をお手伝いいたします。


​東京都中央区銀座3-11-1 ニュー銀座ビル4F

TEL     :03-3546-8880  

営業時間:10:00~18:30  (土日~17:30)

定休日 : 祝祭日・第1日曜   

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